We are Hiring!
Our lab is actively seeking self-motivated young researchers passionate about exploring sleep and its impact on cognitive functions at the synaptic and circuit levels in the Drosophila brain. If this excites you, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
For Ph.D. Students, please apply through following Ph.d. programs:
VIB-KU Leuven, Neurobiology Ph.D. Program
KU Leuven-Taiwan Ph.D. Scholarship Program​
​For internship students: We only accept undergraduate and master's level students for internships if they are able to work full-time for a minimum of 6 months.
Our lab is actively seeking motivated postdoctoral candidates with expertise in one or more of the following neuroscience techniques: intracellular electrophysiology, in vivo functional imaging, or Large Scale 3D Image Processing. Candidates from computational or theoretical neuroscience backgrounds who are keen to apply their quantitative skills to experimental research are also encouraged to apply.
Previous experience with Drosophila is not required.
Applications for postdoctoral positions should be emailed to
sha.liu (AT) kuleuven.be
and should include a CV, a one-page research statement, and the contact information of two references.